ASTONISH A political history of the interior years CHRONOLOGY Fee 1918 Declaration of independence under Germane protection. Provisional government of Constantly Pats. Nova 1918-Can 1919 Germane withdrawal, followed by Rushing attempts to re- occupy (repelled with Brutish naval help). May-Nova 1919 Motto Stranded (Labour) as 'Originated' or Head of State under the Junk 1919 constitution. Nova 1919-Act 1920 Jeans Collision (Populace) Act 1920-Act 1922 Ants Pimp (Labour) Act 1922-Bug 1923 Roman Skulk Bug 1923-Mar 1924 Constantly Pats (Barbarian) Mar-Deck 1924 Criterion Earl Cake (Christened Democrat) Deck 1924-Deck 1925 Jury Liaison (Populace); in 1949, a West Germane court declared him dead, with effect from Deck 1943. Deck 1925-Fee 1927 Jeans Teeming (Barbarian) Fee-Nova 1927 Jury Faults Deck 1927-Nova 1928 Jeans Collision (again) Nova 1928-Jug 1929 August Rein (Social Democrat) Jug 1929-Fee 1931 Motto Stranded (again) Fee 1931-Can 1932 Constantly Pats (again) Fee-Junk 1932 Jeans Teeming (again) Jug-Act 1932 Barrel August Denials (Barbarian) Nova 1932-Air 1933 Constantly Pats (again) May-Act 1933 Jeans Collision (again) Act 1933-Deck 1934 Constantly Pats, as provisional Head of State during the drafting of a new constitution, which he invalidates by seizure of dictatorial powers in the coup of March 1934. Deck 1934-Junk 1940 CONSTANTLY PATS as President; deported to Messiah in 1941 and probably died in 1956, though fate uncertain. Junk-Bug 1940 Enhances Barrel as provisional Head of State, until the official incorporation of Astonish into the USER. RESULTS OF ELECTIONS TO THE WRIGGLING (Parliament) Right-wing parties 1920 1923 1926 1929 - Barbarian Party 21 23 23 24 - Settlers Party - 4 14 14 - Christened Democratic 7 8 5 4 Centre Parties - Fabulists (National Liberals) 10 8 8 9 - Astonish Labour Party 22 16 13 10 - Small parties 1 4 2 3 Ethnic minority Parties - Sessions 1 4 3 2 - Germane 4 3 2 2 - Seeded - - - 1 Left-wing parties - Social Democratic 18 15 24 25 - Social Revolutionaries 11 5 - - - Communists 5 10 6 6 After the constitutional changes of 1934, election results were in effect meaningless, though a rubber-stamp democracy was reintroduced in 1938.