The only reason I really minded having hemophilia is because I had to be very careful opening windows and around Ellen. She's this woman who wore clothing with lots of pins and zippers. She used to keep her nails sharpened to a point, she liked to scratch me at random moments as a surprise. And she used to like to rub up against me with all her pins and zippers; some of the pins were always open and I would start to bleed, but she wouldn't stop it because she didn't really believe in hemophilia, or that I had hemophilia, or something like that. Besides, at that point I was already tied up and could only argue. She would bite and leave me bleeding under the skin. Her greatest pleasure, though, was pricking me with her pins and tearing my skin with her teeth. She would lick the blood up and smear it over her body and mine. Sometimes she would rub on a thick layer over her breasts and let it clot, slowly as it was, building up layers over a period of days. I should say that I don't really have hemophilia, it's just that my blood doesn't have enough clotting stuff in it and it takes a day or so of bleeding for a scab to form. So the small pinpricks and other slow-bleeding wounds weren't really that dangerous, but I had to wear red shirts until it stopped. I had a lot of red shirts. When they developed a cure, I started it immediately. When it started working, I would develop scabs within three or four hours. Ellen took immediate The next time we met, Ellen advantage of the change. noticed that my blood was She began to prick me twice clotting more quickly. as much and twice as hard, "What's this?" she asked me, biting too. I looked like a "your blood has changed!" I drug addict who had to shoot admitted that I had been up hundreds of times a day. taking these pills. She started taking greater "Disgusting!" she said, and greater pleasure in my "I'll go find myself a REAL blood. At one point she hemophiliac, not some refused to let me out of the disgusting half-hemophiliac wall harness and I was who doesn't even know how to there, with slices from my enjoy himself." Leaving me armpits and knees, bleeding in the wall harness there, from ten thousand wounds, she left then. I was only until some nosy neighbor released because she had called the police and they left the door open when she broke in. I visit her every left, and the mailman looked day, but sometimes she won't in and saw me the next day. see me. When she will, she I sometimes see her in bars, pricks my fingers with her but she barely gives me a nails through the grating. glance. ===----====----====----====----====----====----====