THE STUDENT OF LOGIC A man goes into a pub where he gets talking to another student. It turns out that this student is a student of logic. This mystifies the man who has never heard of a student of logic so he asks the student to explain himself. Here follows the dialogue. The man is represented by M. and the student of logic by L. M. Can you explain what a student of logic is? L. Well it's a bit difficult to explain but I'll try. L. Have you got a fish tank? M. Yes. L. Then by logic I may assume that you like fish. M. I suppose so. L. then by further logic, I may assume that you like animals. M. Yes. L. Then by even more logic I may assume that you like humans. M. Yes but is this not getting just a trifle abstract? L. Perhaps, but by using more logic I can assume you like women. M. True. At this point the student of logic finishes his pint and leaves. The next day, the man is talking to a friend. In this conversation, the man is again represented by M and the friend by F. M. I met a student of logic last night. F. What's a student of logic? M. Well it's a bit difficult to explain but i'll try. M. Do you have a fish tank? F. No. M. Are you a poof or something? Boom! Boom!